As members of Team Hustle Butter and resident artists at the epic Hustler’s Parlour NYC, we were thrilled to have Lena Diamanti and Pierre Bustos spill the beans on the Hustle Butter Deluxe way of life!

We’ve talked to Richie Bulldog, co-founder and creative director of Hustle Butter, about his origin story and how Hustle Butter came to be. Now we’re going behind the scenes with two of his Pro Team artists to discuss their favourite Hustle Butter Deluxe products, which ones they couldn’t live without, and who on the Pro Team is creating incredible work.

Do you use Hustle Butter products on your healed tattoos?

Pierre: Yeah, I use Hustle Butter on everything - in my hair, on my tattoos - it’s just such a great moisturiser. I have extremely dry legs, so it keeps my leg tattoos super bright.

Lena: Absolutely! The slogan “before, during and after” exists for a reason. I don't recommend it only for keeping your tattoo vibrant, but I strongly recommend using it prior to the appointment so you can prepare the area for your tattooing session!

Are you pleased to have an EU-suitable Hustle Bubbles Deluxe available?

Pierre: I haven’t had the chance to try it out here in the US. I am aware of its creation and I’m super excited to be able to try it out once it goes through!

Lena: I really can't wait! It was extremely difficult for my clients to not have the Bubbles in their aftercare routine.

If you could only use one Hustle Butter product for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pierre: It would definitely be the OG formula.

Lena: Difficult question...but if I must choose only one, I would say the C.B.D. cream! Even if I wanted to say the Hustle Helper, it’s the C.B.D. version that’s the most important. Or it’s the Hustle Helper that’s most important… it’s a difficult question…

What’s your response when someone asks why you don’t use Vaseline?

Pierre: Vaseline is a petroleum product which is toxic to our skin. With Hustle Butter being made with natural ingredients, it just works better during the tattoo healing process and doesn’t clog your pores.

Lena: We are not in 1950.

Do you use Hustle Butter Deluxe outside of tattooing?

Pierre: I do, I use it all the time, especially on my face after I shave and all around as a body moisturiser. It’s not easy looking this young and sexy.

Lena: Yes, and I especially use the C.B.D. type not only to keep your skin moisturised but also for the benefits of C.B.D. which is known to minimise pain in the joints or swelling. I especially love this product after a hard day at work or the gym.

Do you find it helpful that Hustle Butter products are vegan?

Lena: I do not find it helpful; I find it ethical!

Pierre: I think it’s a good thing, it helps the environment and not having any animal by-products definitely affects the healing process.

Do you see a difference when working with Hustle Butter C.B.D. Luxe?

Pierre: Absolutely. For larger tattoos, it definitely helps with swelling and reduces redness to a higher degree. Also, I have noticed with my clients that they can sit twice as long when I use Hustle Butter C.B.D. Luxe.

Lena: I do not work without the C.B.D. I had a client who was around 59 years old and his skin after 5 hours of session was tapped out. One day I used C.B.D. during our session and that day I worked for 10 hours, with the skin in a perfect state to work even more! Since then, I only use C.B.D. cream during sessions.

How does using Hustle Butter Deluxe affect the result of your colour work?

Pierre: While I’m packing and saturating colour, it is more on the aggressive side. Due to the way that I work while putting the ink in, Hustle Butter definitely helps me and my client. I've noticed that towards the end of the session, wherever I started has usually settled, and is in the beginning stages of healing.

Lena: It means I can work more hours on the skin while keeping it in perfect condition, so I can blend and saturate the areas that need it and get results I’m happy with – it’s really an essential product for my work.

What’s the vibe like when working at Hustler’s Parlour?

Pierre: Hustler’s Parlour is super chill. Richie gives us a lot of freedom to learn and grow. I don’t know any other shop where the bosses are not primarily concerned with making money and instead their number one priority is for their artists to elevate themselves.

I have a really good opportunity to learn and work among the world’s best artists and call them my family. I am extremely grateful to Richie and Seth for all that they’ve done for me and for their consistent and never-ending love and guidance.

Lena: I love the high standard that Richie and Seth have set for being able to work there. This has resulted in the most professional and friendly vibe that you can find in a tattoo studio ever!

Who are your favourite Team Hustle Butter artists?

Lena: I can't say just one, so I will not name anyone. The brand has some amazing artists and I feel very proud being one of them.

Pierre: My favourite artists are Levgen Knysh, Kamil Mocet, David Giersch, Igor Mitrenga, Mashkow, Stefano Phen, Valentina Riabova, Schrail Edmund, Karina Lin, El Whyner, Jean Mognon, Joshua Carlton, Tom Farrow, Chris Showstoppr, Sara Fabel, Josh Lin, Sad Amish, Roza Nevermind, Antonina Rostra Malenkaya, Sergey Shanko, Federico Costantini, and Ivana. I can keep going and going but the list would never end.

What does the future hold for you and Team Hustle Butter?

Pierre: The future is bright! The things I see behind the scenes that are being put into motion…it’s really exciting. I can’t wait for everybody to see what we have planned, so stay tuned.

Lena: If you’d asked me this question 7 years ago, even in my wildest dreams, I wouldn't have been able to imagine the reality! That structures the way my mindset and attitude must be for the future.

So to answer, I’d say the sky is the limit!

And as a wise man once said: you can’t knock the hustle!

Huge thanks to Lena Diamanti and Pierre Bustos for answering all of our questions and giving us such a great insight into the world of Hustler’s Parlour!

Make sure to follow Pierre and Lena on Instagram, check out the Team Hustle artists on Facebook and Instagram, and of course head to the Killer Ink store to get Hustle Butter Deluxe and Hustle Bubbles Deluxe for your studio!